Wednesday, September 22, 2010

1-a Living what you believe is difficult for teachers because sometimes it doesn't fit into what the Principal or other teachers on your team believe. It is also harder because I want to be an active learning teacher with minimum worksheets and that is tough because it takes more work but the rewards are better. It is easy because if you teach what you believe your students will see your passion and want to learn from you. Also if you show that it is working for you and it is effective teaching others might start to follow.
B- Differenentiation might affect what I believe because I want to encoporate all that I have learned and put it into practice in my class. After taking this class all of us SHOULD teach like this.
c-My including your class in the process of teaching they begin to take teaching into their own hands. They also feel more empowered because you want their help in figuring out the problems and you show that their imput is valid.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sylvia the amazing

I could have listened to Sylvia all day. She just makes me want to be a better teacher and empowers me to see where I want to be when I become a teacher. I can't believe that you gave me the chance to listen to her. I always knew morning meeting was important but now I can see why it is important and how people actually apply it to their classroom. It would be so amazing to have a principal like her to run the school that I get the opportunity to teach at. One of my favorite parts about what she was saying that she used in her classroom was the idea of breaking your emotions into storm categories. I can see this being so beneficial for students to learn so that they can regulate their own emotions. I think it would have been so useful for some of us as teachers to know how to do that because sometimes little rain drizzles we treat like tsunamis in our own life and bring them to class with us which we shouldn't do. I also liked how she told us to treat each comment with a POSITIVE feedback so that you are giving each student what they need. I could just talk about her all day because i feel it was so beneficial to listen to her and I wish we could listen to her more! Thanks for this opportunity.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Emotions Trump Learning

I understand and believe this to be completely true. For example if something bad happens at home over the weekend and it is like a pet, family member, or the child getting hurt or every passing away that is going to affect anyone paying attention in school. For a classroom context you have if a teacher verbally embarasses a student in front of the whole class their embarassment and anger at the teacher are going to cause them to not want to listen to the teacher or to not participate in class anymore for the fear of being scolded again. This can go the other way too if the student has something so exciting going on in their life they might be too giddy or figety with excitement to focus on much else. I know that I am driven by emotions if I am having a bad/sad/ or real exciting day that is what I am focusing on not learning. Why should students be any different?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Reading 1

1A- If you establish ties with your students you will be able to grow and understand them more as individuals and you will become closer to them as students. If you don't try to establish ties with your students you will most likely only get the surfice them and not really understand who they are as individuals and what they need. Establishing ties is very important in our profession because you have to learn to trust each other before you will be able to learn from each other. The ahha moment for me was that this should be so obvious to do but sometimes the simplest things we should do are forgotten and so this is a good thing to remember.

What do you see? First you get a class as a whole the students are known by that group the whole, then you break them up into groups whether on purpose or by accident into either by skill level, friendships they have in the class, "good" or "bad" students. Then you get to know those groups and each student in the group becomes unique individuals with their own thoughts, personality, needs, and different ways they learn. This is important because throughout the time the students are in your class they grow and change into who they really are instead of just who we thought they were. Establishing ties helps the students feel comfortable enough to show us who they really are so we can help them achieve the greatest success possible.